1. Society Member’s Ticket $70 admits member, guest and up to 4 children 14 years & under on both days of
Annual Show and vehicle to Member’s Car Park.
2. Public admission:
Online At Gate
Children Under 3 years FREE FREE
Children 4 to 14 years $5.00 $8.00
Secondary School Student with Photo ID $15.00 $18.00
Adults $25.00 $28.00
Adult Concession (must provide proof) $18.00 $20.00
Cars in public parks, free / gold coin.
3. Entries: Entry fees for livestock, arena events, with the exception of Feature Events, are subject to a reduction
of 1/3 of the price to holders of Member’s Tickets.
4. At 3.00 pm all prizewinners in Horses and Stud Cattle sections are required to parade.
5. In all sections where there are two or more prizes, there must be three competitors or only one prize will be
awarded, unless the judges consider the exhibit worthy of a prize.
6. The judges may award a second instead of a first where the animals or articles are not considered of
sufficient merit.
7. All exhibits to stay in the Showgrounds until 5 pm, excepting livestock.
8. Breeding year for horses dates from August 1, for dairy cattle from July 1, and for beef cattle as at the final
day of the Show.
9. Any animal, in the opinion of the judge, to be over the age specified, will be referred to the Chief Stewards.
10. Stallions are not eligible to compete in ridden classes unless specified.
11. Where height is stipulated, horses and ponies must be measured and ticket endorsed by Official Measurer
who will be in attendance from 7.30 am to 8.30am or have a current VAS Ltd/SHC or EA height certificate.
12. Any protests to be lodged with the Secretary (together with $150 deposit, which will be forfeited if complaint
is frivolous), within 60 minutes after award, or for Sections judged prior to the Show, within 60 minutes of
Show opening time. The Chief Stewards will consider the protest and their decision will be final.
13. Should any exhibit, having gained a prize, be disqualified, the next on the list of awards does not necessarily
obtain the same prize. The Chief Stewards, with or without the advice of the judge, shall decide.
14. No exhibitor or spectator will be admitted to any judging area during the judging, unless requested to do so by
the Steward in charge of the Section.
15. Any person commenting audibly in a disparaging manner on the judges’ decisions, or who is guilty of
unseemly conduct or insulting behaviour will, after being cautioned by a member of the Chief Stewards or
Secretary, be expelled from the Showground, and the said person may forfeit any prize money or trophies
gained. All Societies affiliated with the Central & Upper Goulburn Group shall be advised of this and under the
Rules shall have power to take action. The judges’ decision will be final.
16. All exhibitors, competitors or volunteers are expected to display appropriate behaviour and respect in dealing
with the WAS Inc. representatives during the annual Show and related events. Inappropriate behaviour will be
referred to the President and/or Chief Stewards for action.
17. Any person refusing to attach the prize card to any exhibit to which the prize is awarded and to keep the same
on during the hours of the exhibition, will on proof thereof to the Chief Stewards, be disqualified from receiving
all prizes awarded to the said person during the Show. Prize money to be paid on the Weekend of the Show.
Any prizes not claimed within 30 days from date of Show become the property of the Society.
18. No claims for refunds of entry money will be paid, with the exception of Livestock on presentation of a
vet’s certificate.
19. The Council will not be responsible for trophies donated as a prize if not collected within thirty days of
the Show.
20. All trophies not won outright to be returned to Secretary one week before Show Day.
21. The Society reserves the right to allot a trophy in place of prize money or vice versa.
22. The books of the Society close on the last day of December each year. All accounts for 2022 must be in the
hands of the Treasurer prior to this date.
23. Online entries are available at and entries on paper form must be received by
the Secretary by the closing date. Closing dates for entries vary according to Sectional requirements, refer to
information notes throughout the Schedule and on page 5. No late entries will be taken unless specified.
24. Most Pavilions will be closed at 5 pm on the Saturday and at 5pm on the Sunday of the Show. Exhibitors will
be admitted without an entry ticket, only to take charge of their exhibits after 5.30pm.
25. All exhibits must, on the days of the Show, be the bona fide property of the exhibitor. The Society Council may
call upon any exhibitor to make a statutory declaration to verify the fact.
26. (a) The Society shall not be responsible for any accident that may be caused through an exhibit, and it shall
be a condition of entry that each exhibitor or competitor shall not hold the Society responsible, and indemnify
it against any legal proceedings arising from such accident.
(b) The Society shall not under any circumstances hold itself responsible for any loss or mis-delivery of livestock
or other exhibits at the Society’s exhibition, or any loss or damage thereto.
(c) The Society shall not under any circumstances hold itself responsible for any loss by fire, storm, damage by
water, flood or lightning. Exhibits and displays of all kinds accepted only on this condition.
27. All machinery in motion shall either be securely fenced or be in such position or of such construction as to be
equally safe to every person as it would be if it were securely fenced.
28. The right to hold Side Shows, Amusements or Exhibition Stands in the Showgrounds must be arranged and
paid for before the owners can gain admission to the grounds; and the owners shall, during the days of the
Show, be subject to the orders of the Grounds Manager. The Society reserves the right to stop any Side Show
or other performance without giving any reason for such action, and all fees be forfeited to the Society. The
authority of the Grounds Manager shall be binding on the Society in this matter.
29. Gambling is strictly prohibited on the Showgrounds. Any person or persons found practising any illegal game
will be referred to the Police.
30. GST will be added to the prize money for Exhibitors who are registered for GST purposes and have provided
an ABN.
31. Any Prize money of $100 or more may be directly paid into a bank account or paid by Society Cheque.
32. The Society reserves the right to use images taken at the Show in their media and
promotional material. If you do not wish your image to be taken, please notify photographer.
33. All exhibitors (including trade, livestock & attractions) must supply a current copy of their Insurance Certificate
of Currency when entering or confirming attendance. If not supplied, any claim on the Society’s Insurance
incurs a $1,500.00 excess.
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